I finally got the shot I wanted, correctly focused.

My porch is very shady so I like to grow brightly colored impatiens in long flower boxes to brighten it up. This year it's purples and pinks, solids and stripes.

The Black Eyed Susans glow in the autumnal light.

This is a better photo than the last one. It shows off the green color nicely.

Coneflowers are one of my favorites. They have that daisy shape that I love. They are easy to grow and readily reseed themselves. And I feel like I get two seasons out of them. The summer, their normal bloom time and then the fall as they go to seed. Their cones become more pronounced producing a different look to them. The "look" is completed when the goldfinches arrive to feast on the seeds, perching on the cones like bright yellow ornaments in the fading borders.

Another attempt at a different camera angle.

I love the unique shape of this flower. I haven't seen it before because I am normally better about weeding. The plants have never lasted long enough in my gardens to flower until this year.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. I saw photos on Flickr of flowers taken from behind and decided to try it. It was much more difficult than I anticipated. I had to kneel down in the bed and kind of hang my head and camera upside down behind the flowers. Here's a helpful hint: never, ever do this while wearing a white skirt.

Love the looks of your new site, Caren. You have a great eye and stunning photos ... Bronze Fennel a real beauty. See you behind the lens :)
Hi Joey! I'm so flattered that you like my pictures. I aspire to take photos as well as you do.
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